My man of 6 year's sex drive has been down off and on a few years.. It's the most frustrating thing in the world and I can't help but take it personal when he turns me down or can't get off.. 
When we first got together, like many of you I'm sure, our sex life was amazing. We were having sex 2-3 a night almost every night. Now, our work schedules prohibit is during the week but I'm lucky if I get it once on the weekends. It's been 2 weeks since (1st weekend we were in Disney with my daughter so I didn't expect it) but I grow increasingly frustrated about it.
I've tried talking, surprising, having little get aways... He acts totally normal in our relationship otherwise... He holds me every night while we sleep, he kisses me every time he walks out of the room... He's a very doting man. I know he's not cheating. It's just his sex drive.
Any of you have same or similar problems??