I don't think I have it in me anymore

This will be a big rant but I have no one.
I've been with my husband for 6 years and married almost 3 years of them. And I must have been so traumatized by the verbal abuse and constant being cheated on by him I guess I just took the next guy I met and thought he was the love of my life.
But my husband isn't what I thought, thinking of what we have been through together he has physically abused, I know he has cheated on me, lied constantly, cares only about is weed, his needs, and he seems like he doesn't love or even like our son whom is only almost 2. 
I pride my life on my son. He is my everything. I work very hard to make money so I can give my son a good life. 
And while we made a bold move to move to a different state with my family, I figured my husband will change. 
You heard the saying "a new place is for a new slate".
And we've been in this new place since the beginning of February,  and every time I get paid my husband believes he is entitled to take all my money for his own shit. So I haven't even been able to save money for our own place which it is making me really depressed. And to make things worse I'm running out of diapers for my son, I have about 5 left and a little thing of pull ups(I'm trying to potty train him) and I don't get paid till Friday. And I even have negative in my bank and he constantly asks me for money because he has spent all his on weed and drinks for him and his friends. 
When I try to find the strength to leave him he breaks down and begs me not to leave  and that he will change and then my family butts in and says give him another chance because you have a son together. My mother did just fine with 2 kids and without my father. My father only got ever other weekend. 
I don't know if I can do it anymore. I don't know what to do. I need help and strength 
Because my son needs me and it's hard being super mom when your struggling with your self absorbed husband
This is my reason to try my best 💙