Since pregnancy 2 yrs, we haven't had sex

My husband and I have dated and married way too quickly. We met, got married and now have a 1.5 year old.

I've been scared for getting pregnant again, so I haven't felt the urge at all. He doesn't want to have sex if I don't do the natural family planning methods. And I'm now too lazy to start that process again. So now we're growing distant from one another, and I am starting to feel out love crumble into nothing.

Other than going on dates, how can a catholic couple have the intimacy without sex? Is it possible? Or do we need this intimacy in order to me married?

How do we live the rest of our lives where I don't have to check mucus levels all the time and temperature levels each day? (I want to respect his wish to NOT take any unnatural birth control) and I really don't want to have another baby