relationship advice

Okay everyone so my boyfriend and I of 3 years broke up about 3 months ago and the break up was hell for me. He told everyone I cheated on him and he would cell phone harass me call me terrible names (bitch, whore, slut, cunt) Now 3 months down the road I forgave him and we went out on a couple of dates because he said he will change and the dates were amazing because when we broke up he put no effort into the relationship but everything was good until the other day he lied about logging on to my Twitter and I had proof he did it but he still lied and then the next day he went to a wedding got completely drunk and I went to his house with friends and he wouldn't let me leave I truly felt scared. Now he is obsessively telling me that he will change and how much he loves me and all of this stuff and to be completely honest it's really sweet stuff but I can't tell if it's obsessive or if it's love. What would you do? I am so stuck.