1st Kiss at 33...

Hey everyone! So, my bf and I have been dating 4 months now, and we're both each other's first. He has been very awkward and shy, which I think is cute... But after 3 months in and no hand holding or anything, he started to feel more like a buddy than a boyfriend. So we had a chat (actually my stepmom clued him in) and he apologized for making me feel that he wasn't attracted to me. Said he'd been longing to hold my hand and kiss me but just hadn't worked up the nerve. I admit... I was just as nervous! About a week later, he grabbed my hand and my heart swelled. Loved that! That night, he asked if he could kiss me and I said yes. I admit, it was a bit wet and awkward but I figured it might be. And he says "well... that was.... practice!" 2nd time was better but a bit fast he thought. 3rd, he said we were getting better. 
However... I guess I expected fireworks when we kissed (too many romantic movies I suppose) and they just weren't there. Is it because we're rookies? Has he psyched me out? Or maybe for some people it's not all that and a bag of chips?
I'd love to hear your thoughts! And btw... I still feel like I want to marry this guy... Just think the kissing is a little bit of a surprise. Thanks!