Back pain remedies. Please help!

Hulk • Married to the love of my life. LO finally made his debut on 7/22/15 😍🍼👣💙 Baby #2 💗🎀 born Oct 13, 2016!
Hi Glow ladies. I'm in desperate need of advice. I'm currently pregnant and in my last trimester. I'll be 30 wks on Friday. I've been having moderate back pain, which was bearable with Tylenol taken a couple of times a week. Now, it's gotten so bad I cannot sit. I am in agonizing pain whenever I sit for more then 10 minutes. My hip locks up if I lay down for a few minutes. Whenever I get up to pee, I have to stretch before I can start walking. I honestly don't know what to do for the pain and I've still got another 10 weeks. Anyone here in the same boat? Any advice or remedies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.