
Madison • 27 & Married. TTC#1 with Endo and PCOS
Saw my GYN a couple weeks ago and happened to be on CD21 of a usual 33-34 day cycle so he had labs drawn the next morning. Progesterone was extremely low, 0.39 so he had me come back 7 days later to see if maybe he just picked the wrong time window to confirm ovulation.... Still barely over 1 and it should at least >3 if not over 5. So he calls me today and says he doesn't think I'm ovulating and although I don't match the profile of pcos because I'm thin, no hair growth, normal BP and cholesterol and triglycerides, etc. he's not ruling out the possibility. I go  back on CD3 of next cycle to get baseline labs and an US done that will tell us more regarding pcos. But he's going to ahead and start me on Femara next cycle to induce ovulation. Anyone else used this? And more importantly- anyone else struggling with Endo AND pcos? I felt like I had a fertility death sentence with just Endo and now I feel like there's no hope