Why is my body so confusing?

Ok. Help a girl out! My fiancé and I are getting married in 13 days(woohoo!!) and we have begun our TTC stage. I have had multiple medical problems with my ovaries and cervix since I was 16, I'm almost 22 now, so we thought we would start early since the doctors said it would be very difficult for me to have a baby. Well. This past week I felt nauseous for 4 days, and then the nauseousness went away on Saturday, and I was just cramping. I bled very lightly yesterday, Saturday, and I just assumed AF had made her unwanted appearance. However, today, no more AF. So. Here's my question, what the heck was that all about?! Haha. I took a pregnancy test this past Thursday, and it was negative. So. I don't know if I just had a really short period, or if my body is just weird. Haha. Has anyone else experienced this?