Losing weight to conceive?

Clarissa • .
Long story short...I was on depo for about 2 years off and on...total of 6 shots. I had my last shot Jan of last year so ive been off of it for over a year. I've had sporadic periods since then...but now I'm on cycle day 133 and have no sign of af still and am not pregnant. I've recently started living a healthier lifestyle and have lost roughly 8 or so lbs and plan to lose 40 more at least. I'm 5'2/5'3 and 177.5 as of today. Before depo i was in my 130s or 140s maybe and very small and had regular periods for reference. Anyways lol, has anyone had experience with losing weight helping them get their periods back or regular or helping them become pregnant? Any comments welcome, thank you!