Help me understand after ovulation

Lauren • Expecting baby #1 💙💗 February 2016
Happy Monday guys! (If there is such a thing!) im about 1 week into my 2ww- I think! I had a weird fertile window bc I think I missed my positive Lh surge on an opk as I was only testing once a day instead of twice. My question is, would I notice any changes if implantation occurred? I've had no bleeding, but I do still have some cm and typically im all dried up by now. It's not creamy or ewcm but more just wet and slippery. I am not going to test until 5/8 or 5/10 (that's 3-4 days before my period on 5/12). I just wish I knew what to kinda look for. No changes typically tell me no implantation. My boobs don't hurt either.