Labour Questions. Please read and comment!

For the last 5 days I've been having what I thought was Braxton hicks. they did have a small pattern but I wasn't concerned because they were bearable and I didn't notice them that much. yesterday I went into the hospital because I woke up leaking very watery discharge and was concerned that it may have been my water that broke. they hooked me up to the monitors and they confirmed that my 'Braxton hicks' are actually labour contractions. also the baby is descending into my pelvis. They checked and it wasn't my water that broke, they also checked my cervix and I was not effaced or dilated. they sent me home because I wasn't progressing. Today my contractions are x10 worse to the point where I can't sleep through them, etc. how long does it take to get into active labour from this point? they told me to start bouncing on a ball and what not and I am but I'm not sure what else I can do. how much longer until my baby should be here?