Teen Pregnancy

I just seen a post here about a teenager who may be pregnant due to irregular use of her Birth Control. I know some of you ladies were just telling her how it is but not every teenager is alike,not every teenager parties,drinks or smokes and I really don't know why that's the common thing people think. Your always told you'll miss out on a lot of things! Maybe if your the party type yes your going to miss out on that but not every teenager is like that. I'm 18 years old and I have a 8 month old daughter and not one thing changed in my life but this wonderful addition that me and my SO has! It's the greatest thing in the world to be able to carry your child and the first time you get to see their face is so overwhelming! We are here to support each other! I'm the girl who would rather stay home then be out partying. I've never been like that and I certainly know tons of people like that. Just because I'm 18 doesn't mean my child won't have a good laugh,she's the happiest child I have ever seen with the biggest smile on her face :)
Don't be too quick to judge and anyone can be a mother. You don't need experience like come on! I'm sure half of you ladies that were FTM learned!