Unsure what to do...

Hi everyone!  I'm two days away from my due date. Had an appointment this morning where they did another sonogram and the baby is measuring 8 lbs, 7 oz (plus or minus 1 lbs).  I'm relatively petite and have gained about 20 pounds so far, so it's all baby.  Currently, my cervix is 3 cm dilated, been that way for over a week. 
My doctor wants me to think about either stripping my membrane or inducing Thursday (which is my due date anyway). She also said that she doesn't want me to go beyond Monday.  I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to induce unless it's medically necessary (I'm pretty healthy) but at the same time, I'm pretty much done cooking the baby!  Have any of you had similar experiences?  I'm curious to read what you've decided to do.  Thanks!