Will I ever get pregnant?

I know everyone says it can take a year to get pregnant and that's totally normal.  It's just frustrating and upsetting that I stopped taking my birth control 6 months ago and nothing has happened...not even 1 positive pregnancy test yet.  I am 28 and DH is 31, we excersise 5 days a week, eat healthy, I don't drink, he does very occasionally, and I only have my 1 cup of coffee a day.  I take my prenatals everyday and have been for 4 months straight. 
.I have taken ovulation tests since day one...i temped for 2 months straight and I have confirmed that I ovulate on CD 16-17 and my luteal phase is 13-14 days and my period starts on CD 29-30.  Since the day I stopped the pill I have been very regualr, I was on the pill aprox 10 years...I was just hoping it wouldn't take me this long to get pregnant. 
It's just so hard to be patient when there's all these people who get pregnant without trying or it just happens the second they go off the pill...