Anyone had an induction starting with cervadil?

Natalie • Married and have one amazing son! Expecting #2 May 2015!
I'm 40 weeks today and haven't made much progress. I'm 2cm and 50%. My doctor scheduled an evening induction for Sunday night starting with cervadil then she'll break my water the next morning. My first labor was induced but only with pitocin the morning of. I've heard cervadil is pretty rough! Any personal stories out there? I'm hoping I go into labor on my own before sunday, I really don't want to be bed ridden for hours! I just know if it's as painful as I've heard I'm gonna order that epidural asap!
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I'm having cervadil also, I'm going in tomorrow night and then they are doing pitocin Thursday morning....I guess we will see how painful or not painful it is.


Sandra • May 9, 2015
The epidural didn't hurt at all!


Sandra • May 9, 2015
Oh yes! I was begging for one! I had a lot of back labor too and that was worse then the regular contractions, I think I would have been able to wait a little longer if I didn't have that but I dilated really fast I went from 1-2cm at 930am to 5cm at 1230 and fully dilated at 3


Natalie • May 9, 2015
Sandra, did you get an epidural? And congrats on your baby!


Posted at
Cervadil is NOTHING. It's just a little strip they put up by your cervix with medicine. You have to stay in bed for 2 hours afterward and then you can get up to go pee or whatever. No biggie at all. I've never even heard anyone complain about it. 


Cassandra • May 6, 2015
Cervadil is a blessing! I wish they sold it over the counter for over due or close enough to due mommies! I had it with baby #1 only to ripen my cervix my contractions had already started naturally.


Natalie • May 5, 2015
ok that makes me feel better! My friend said it caused her to have constant contractions with no time in between.


Posted at
Cervildil was all.I needed with my was a great labor and deliver compared delivery


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I was set up for cervadil Tuesday evening. I started having contractions before I went in. They checked me I was at a 2 but after then put it in my contractions got stronger eventually put me into labor. It wasn't too bad it hurt when they put it in but my cervix is far back. But I didn't need pitocin .


Simone • May 9, 2015
I did get an epidural I'm a sucker when it congrats to pain


Natalie • May 9, 2015
Aw, congrats! Did you get an epidural?


Posted at
I was given it on Thursday morning around 9am.. By lunch time I started having contractions regularly. They got very intense after that and by the afternoon I was begging for the epidural, and which they gave me at 3-4cm. By the evening I was 8cm! Baby didn't come until Friday morning but I would say the drug worked- didn't need Pitocin.


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I'm currently going thru an induction. I was 1-2 cm dilated in dr office. Came to hospital for cervadil. Had my first dose at 8:30pm. No change. Second at 12:30am. 1-2 cm but slightly effaced. Third dose at 4:30 am and I was 1-2 cm but 50% effaced. At 8:00 am I felt a little "damp" so I looked between my legs. Watched a couple moments. Thought I was just having my "bloody show" then I saw a gush of fluid that didn't stop. Water broke!  I'm current 3-4 cm 90% effaced on oxytocin contractions are very intense. It's currently 2:50pm. Been in labor for 6 hrs so far. 


Courtney • May 6, 2015
Pit is way worse IMO than cervadil.