Do I need A&E?

So, in an attempt to cut a short story short, I'm asthmatic. I've had three asthma attacks since being diagnosed three years ago, but my asthma has been manageable for about a year and a half. 
I woke up this morning unable to breathe, really pulling in for breath and I've been wheezing, coughing (including coughing up yucky stuff), sweating even though I'm shivering, and I've had a tightness around my chest. I went to the doctor 4pm UK time (about 7 hours ago) and got given oral steroids and antibiotics. She asked if I was asthmatic, but didn't seem too concerned. My pulse rate was sitting at 110bpm. 
Now, however, for the past hour/two hours, the tightness has got worse, my reliever inhaler isn't working, I'm shaking due to my heart rate being at 150bpm+, and my breathing has gone laboured. Do I just wait it out til morning ask go back and see my GP (it's 11pm here) or do you think this needs to be looked at before morning?