Future family in law...

Taco • Just here for the comments...

Well...my fiance's grandfather is coming to stay with us for a bit.

For those who don't keep up with my fiasco with the in laws, let me go ahead and give a brief summary:

I live with him, his parents, and his 3 brothers. To them, I'm the "other woman". He and I met right after he and his ex had split up, and his family thinks that it's my fault he didn't get back with her, so therefore I'm a homewrecker. As you can imagine, we dont all get along...

So now, his grandfather is going to be thrown into the mix and I honestly don't know what to expect....I don't know what he's heard about me from them, or if he even knows I'm here. I really hope he's not expecting to see the ex when he gets here. I know she was close to him. Either way, I'm sure it's going to be awkward.

Ugh. My nerves are on edge.

What do I do??