Sexual assault

I've been with my husband since high school. Well we went through a rough patch just before I started going to college. We didn't break up just had a disagreement. I went to this guys house after. He was the kind of guy to sleep around and he was very hot at the time. We made out a little and then he told me he wanted me to suck his dick. I told him no so he said either I suck it and he tells no one or I dont and he will tell everyone I did. I was terrified that my boyfriend would leave me so I gave him like a 10 second bj before my eyes started to water and I told him in tears that I couldn't do it. He pretty much kicked me out and said he wouldn't tell anyone. I don't know if he did or didn't. My husband still doesn't know. The o ly person I ever told this to was a counselor who I saw for different reasons and she said that what happened was sexual assault/abuse. When I look at it from an outside perspective I'd agree but from my point of view it doesn't feel that way. Like I deserve what happened or something.