What are your thoughts ?

Jacqueline • Mama to 3 • Wife to my love • Eliana, Luca, Daelen 💕💕

I'm 27 weeks 3 days with my little man , second baby , we have a 2 year old daughter as well . I 100% thought this baby would be a girl , and being that it is our last , I wouldn't ever have a boy . That being said I never really put a whole lot of thought into circumsition . We have done a fair amount of research on it , and are leaning more towards not doing it . By me saying research . I obviously mean Google & whatnot . So I would like to hear some personal opinions and stories on the subject . :)

** let's all be grown ups here . I am looking for information to best care for my son . Not a petty debate . No negative comments please . **