Ten days late, hcg blood test negative...

Despite my tubes being tied 17 years ago, I ended up getting pregnant, then miscarried early, (don't really understand how it wasn't tubal), anyway, using this app to track and avoid as I'm 44 with health issues, monogamous relationship almost two years, so tracking safest method, anyway, I'm now ten days late. during first day of my ovulation window, we did have sex, as i didn't realize it was ovulation time, was new to the app and wasnt checking regularly yet. I did check the day after and realized it was time to avoid sex, and did until Window was over. A couple days later, had cramps and very light spotting for one day. gp ran blood test at day three of being late because he was taking blood anyway, negative for pregnancy, and had an ultrasound (at day two of being late)because of masses on my ovaries they were keeping an eye on. Masses were gone, and I'm sure if there was a pregnancy it would have shown. Results showed normal uterus, ovaries. Anyone ever have this issue?