Help please

I normally don't put my business out there like this but I need help! I'm not asking to be on welfare my entire life but I am going to need help with the baby my (ex) fiancé left because I caught him doing drugs. He was the main provider but he recently lost his job and I cannot fully support my child on my own I will get by but that is it... I don't know who to call for some help or any of that. And then my second question is he is going to take me into court to try and get full custody of the baby. I don't want to keep him out of the baby's life but if he is on drugs I don't want him near him/her. So do you think they judge would agree to a random drug test at least once a month or he cannot see him/her. I live in mass too idk if that helps any. 
Ps I'm sorry for the life story but I don't know who to talk to!