Late ovulation but got pregnant

Okay so I have six children ages 11-9-6-3-2-and 7 months. When I got pregnant with my seven month old I only had sex once because my husband was out of town and came in just two days before my expected period. So I know I ovulated on that day lol . Any ways.... I'm pretty sure it's happened again but I can't remember how my positive tests came in. I think I remember it not showing positive for a couple weeks after my missed period ? I know I should remember but I don't haha. So I'm 8 days late and I've been having cramping so I'm positive I am , I mean it's my seventh pregnancy lol. But what I'm wondering is, is there anyone else out there going threw the same thing and have you got a positive test and if so how many "weeks" did you get a positive? This is driving me freaking nuts! I was not trying to get pregnant and I want to know so I know if I can get back on my meds if my suspicion is wrong.