Not telling anyone at my school

Ever since I found I was pregnant I decided not to tell anyone that went to my high school. I decided this because I know how people are and they would more than likely be really rude about it. I'm not a very open person and don't like my business out there anyways. When I got married I also didn't tell anyone but my last name change so of course people found out and everyone, even people I didn't speak to would ask if I was married and why I got married. I'm normally the type of person to get really angry fast and tell them to mind their business but I realize I can't be yelling at everyone for asking. Anyways I hate the attention and I definitely don't want people to start asking about me being pregnant. But now that I'm 22 weeks my stomach is really starting to show and people keep asking me if I am and if they don't ask me they ask my friends. I even hear people whispering about it. I guess I really don't know what I am asking but I really just need some advice on what I should do. I only have three more weeks until I graduate and I won't have to deal with this anymore but it feels like time is going by so slow...