First Postpartum Period

Sucks! It's like way longer than usual and heavier for a longer amount of time!! 😤 It has almost been a week and it's STILL heavy-ish!! I hope this isn't my new norm..😒
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Posted at
Ugh, I'm almost 12 weeks pp and I can feel it coming on! Terrible stomach ache yesterday and now I'm laying on the couch with an ice pack on my abdomen! These cramps are so terrible I feel like I'm 13 again! 


Gibbeanski • May 17, 2015
I hate that!! Ugh. Perks of being a woman 😣 I hope you feel better soon!


Posted at
I'm 8 weeks pp and just started mine 3 days ago. much heavier than usual and the cramps are awful!! I really hope I go back to my light 3-4 day cycles with very little to no cramping :/ 


emily • May 19, 2015
how are you feeling? my flow has lightened up significantly and the cramping has stopped. fingers crossed the end is near!!


Gibbeanski • May 19, 2015
Me too! MINE IS STILL GOING. Wtf!!! Perhaps I shall call the doctor just in case...😁


Posted at
8weeks pp and just started mine. It's been super light for me. Not even worth a light tampon. 


Posted at
Yeah mine just started yesterday and I'm hoping it's not long. It is definitely heavier than normal though. I was hoping that breastfeeding would keep it away longer. 


Gibbeanski • May 17, 2015
I was hoping the same! 😓


Posted at
How far pp are you? I'm waiting on mine.


Gibbeanski • May 17, 2015
8 weeks! 😒


LJ • May 16, 2015
Mine started right at 12 weeks.


Posted at
I'm still waiting for mine. So not looking forward to it. 😏