I'm excited! 😁

Jill • Married to an amazing man. Have a beautiful handsome baby boy. Baby #2 is on the way.
I haven't been on a bike since I moved to the city (I'm a country girl) so I'm taking close to 10 years! Well tonight my husband and I went out and got myself a bike. I paid for a good brand and its a mountain bike which is fantastic for me cause I'm all about the trails! 
We have a trail that's just down the road from where we live and it takes you at least 12km plus.
So I'm super excited to get back into biking considering I use to do it every single day back in the country. Which biking burns a lot more calories than walking so that's a bonus! Trying to get myself into healthy exercise habits and eating habits. I've got some pounds I want to lose. 
Minor downfall to this all... I look like a major dork in a helmet. lol.