I finally did it

Today I finally had the courage to break up with my mentally abusive boyfriend. But I don't think he understood that I had broken up with him. For the first time after many fights I finally did it. I tried to tell him it was gonna happen and that I won't be around forever if he didn't change the way he talked and acted around me. he broke my trust for the last time today. I know it's gonna be hard. I'm already freaking out because I haven't texted/called him ( I would always call/txt because I had to let him know where I was, who I was with and what time I was going back to his house) I've tried my best and did everything I could to help him. So For the first time I just know for sure it was not my fault. He's the one to blame. He's doesn't have a job and spends all the money he downer have on drugs I just got tired. I want more for myself I want to be happy. 
Ps he's still waiting for me to go over his house so we can talk things out and "solve" the problem. But I already solved it. I AM FREE