High platelets

My DH and I had be TTC #3 for about 2 years. I am heartbroken to say that I think our TTC is over. I need to focus on the health of my family. About 3 months ago my husband had blood work which revealed high platelets. Apparently they are supposed to be between 150-300 thousand...at the time they were 1.5 million. His most recent test indicated they are now over 4 million...all the doctors say they've never seen it that high.High platelets means-----Worse case: leukemia, cancer....but right now greater risk for heart attack, blood clots. We'll find out more when we go to LA next month. DH has been put on medication that says do not get pregnant while taking it, regardless who's taking it. I am happy to say I have 2 beautiful boys, and that so far my DH doesn't have much going on other than really high platelets! I am saddened that baby #3 may never happen now. I guess patients can be on this medication for years and years, and what's going on with my DH may be a long process which may never amount to anything major. It just seems never ending ---no definite answer/cure and annoying medication for life.