Need advice friends

Me n my DH have been married for almost three years now. Everything is great with us except for this one female friend of his. She is twenty years older to me and i don't like the fact that he to talks to her everyday only in my absence. He leaves no trace of call logs or messages with her.. I am not just being possessive. But i don't like it when she demands for his attention on daily basis. She calls him baby and sweety and expects him to call even on vacations. I am pissed of with her. I have told him how i feel shop many times. We have moved across countries now but still this goes on. He says he can't remove her from his life. He stopped contacting her before me. I have seen conversations of them before marriage which make me uncomfortable. She had a clue how i feel about her so she stopped being in contact with me. How do i deal with this situation. I am 17 weeks now n i hate worrying about her. I want him to cut down conversations with her on regular basis but can just be like regular friends but no!!.. She is not happy with her marriage anyways. Y ruin mine 😣