Just need to vent

Ok so I'm angry! I recently lost my job due to a misunderstanding at work. I mean it's literally been less than a month. My husband works and he brings home great money. He told me not to rush to find another job. But of course my monster in law is all up in our business because I'm not working and he's having to pay all the bills his self. She says it's not right for him to be the only one. This bothers me even more because she moved in with her 21 year old daughter who has 2 kids and one on the way and a deadbeat as a husband where she's the only one paying their bills! My sister in law is 21! I think it's time to cut the cord!! How can you judge me, when neither of the people you live with works either and you're the one supporting them and all their needs....I'm sorry but if you're gonna point fingers, point them at your spoiled little princess too! It makes me so mad that she's pregnant for the 3rd time and she can't even afford the kids she has because she's too lazy to work. Her mommy always has to support her! And honestly I can't wait until me and my husband finally get pregnant and I see the look on her face! She says we don't need kids. Um hello you can't tell me what we need or when we need it so back the hell off and stay out of people's business.