Rant about a friend and children

First off, I love this friend and I love children. I'm a fun/funny mom who also expects good behavior.

I was invited to this friends house for her man's and her daughter's bday (same day). Only ''the guys" showed up, including my guy. This friend spent the entire time ignoring her kids and me to get herself ready... over the evening she changed 4 times, did her hair twice, put on makeup more than once... all to hang out in the living room while the guys watched the game.

The children acted out so badly, hurting the adults on purpose, playing ball in the middle of the living room, interrupting everyone loudly and hurting themsleves on purpose for attention. They were completely ignored by mom and dad or the mom would say 'oh look at "blank"! They're so cute'

Multiple adults, including me, tried to tell them to stop hurting us and behave and just got blank looks or told 'I'm allowed to'. It was so frustrating!

I've been around children daily since I was young and I know they can be hyper but I draw the line at hurting people or acting like a living room full of adults is a playroom or backyard.

And to top it off she ignored me as well. I don't mind hanging with the guys but it felt like guy time. She invited me over and I just ended up sitting there trying to keep her kids from hurting me while sitting with the guys. I don't even know why she invited me over bc whenever her man has friends over she spends the whole time trying to get his attention away from them and completely ignoring me and her misbehaving kids.

Just got frustrated and I don't have anyone to rant to bc I love her and don't want her to hear this from other friends... so yeah... thanks for reading my rant :)