Things people say that are annoying.

What are some things people say to you while you're pregnant that really annoys you? I didn't have any pet peeves or annoyances until today. I am diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and when I tell people this so that I can give a heads up on eating out, people suddenly assume that I was a sugar junkie and ate a bunch of ice cream, cookies, and cakes. For one, I don't eat sweets that often. Secondly, GD can happen even to the healthiest people. I wasn't overweight pre-pregnancy, and I generally watched my diet. It just annoys me SO much, like it's my fault I have GD. Today, my father had the audacity to tell me that carbs from white rice and noodles couldn't have caused GD because he ate that all his life and doesn't have diabetes, so for me to have GD must've been caused by eating sweets. Right. Like he is even carrying a child at third trimester. 😡😤