Should breastfeeding uncovered in public be permitted?

Fena 💋💙 • Born and raised in London England!! Married to my wonderful DH 7 years. Have 7 and 2 yr old boys with baby girl on the way 💜
This Indiana woman was shamed online for breastfeeding her 4 month old in a TGI restaurant.  Well a man states that he was put off his lunch.  Snapped a photo of her, and took his disgust to Facebook.  Hopefully you get to view the link for yourself.  I bet he didn't think it would get back to her.  Her response was priceless:
“You see less while I’m nursing than some people show at Walmart, not to mention the posters of VS models in the mall,” Kendall said in response to his issue, making a very solid point. She added that her son is not able to eat under a cover and that she took precaution to cover up as he latched on, as to reduce the amount seen during that awkward and exposing transition."
What are your thoughts?