Feel emotional

Krystle • TTC a rainbow
Have you ever walked around a store and started to tear up seeing a baby? Ever feel like hitting a person when they announce they were pregnant but were not trying? Or upset because someone got pregnant after only trying a month? My biggest upset is when, they say they understand what I am going through when they had to try for no more than 5 months, and then their next pregnancy was while on birth control (this my mom telling me her story all the time)! I always wonder if because I was on birth control (different ones each year) for 5 years that it is why after a year I cant do the one thing I long to do. My doctor says she cant see anything that appears to be wrong, but yet I appear to unable to conceive. Mom even gave me her book she used called "I can get pregnant" along with rosary beads for conception. Ever feel almost at defeat?