Sigh...someone else with a BFP that isn't me

Diana • Hey y’all.
Just need a moment to vent. My husband and I have been TTC since Sept 2013. We've both been checked for any issues, and everything is fine. We've been doing the "not trying, not preventing" thing for the past few months and praying for a little sticky bean.  My body responds quite unpredictably to medications so, for now, we're trying to keep it natural. 
I found out yesterday that my little sister is 6 wks pregnant. She's 21, unstable relationship with her boyfriend, doesn't even want the baby, dead end job, no life goals whatsoever. All of my friends have already had babies and are working on #2. Even freakin' Kim Kardashian is knocked up again. I just wanna scream! 
It irks me that some people who truly want children and are emotionally and financially prepared for that special miracle seem to get the short straw. I can't really talk with anyone about this except my husband, who is SUPER supportive, and it's so tough to keep in good spirits. 
I'm sending tons of baby dust to everyone. It's so nice to have this community that understands the real struggles of making a baby.  Our TTC journey will be worth the wait! 