Post-Op Caesarean Infection - Low Milk Supply

I had a post op infection that made it necessary to re-open my incision and drain and rinse all the infection out. I am also on IV antibiotics at home for 5 days. I was exclusively breastfeeding but we had to introduce the LO to a bottle while I was in the hospital and recovering. This wasn't the end of the world because I am pumping and she was still getting my milk. I haven't needed to use formula yet except for a couple times when we brought her home. Breastfeeding was also a challenge and she is actually much happier on the bottle. All of a sudden my supply has dropped off. I had the surgery on Saturday at 13 days PP. I was also given incorrect advice that I could not feed her for 24 hours after being sedated with propofol and dumped 12oz of breast milk yesterday morning. I would like to start breastfeeding again but more importantly, I want to get my milk supply back up. I am currently pumping frequently, eating lots of protein, and drinking lots of water. Sending SO out for Mothers Milk tea later. Has this happened to anyone??? I have a wonderful little baby who is sleeping through the night at two weeks so I should't complain but this has been quite a rough go after a traumatic birth.