No breast milk

Deejay • Married to the love of my life. We have 2 amazing kids together.
Our baby had jaundice when he was born and I had a Low milk supply so we had to feed baby formula and I'd pump. My supply is still super low and I've tried everything to increase it. Pills ,lactation cookies, tea , oatmeal and drinking a lot of water. Nothing is working. Baby seems not interested in breastfeeding now. I've been to the lactation consultants numerous times no help. Yesterday I tried pumping and  got no milk at all. I'm worried my supply  dried up. I feel so guilty not being able to feed my baby. Feel like a bad mom. Note he's on formula seems fine on it but a bit gassy ( we are trying a new brand) he's gaining weight and seems to be happy and healthy. I need some positive words from other mommys.