The little things your s.o does 💕

Im 22w and yesterday I didnt feel much movement from my baby. He's pretty consistant with the times he's active, so when I only felt a few nudges in the morning I got concerned. At 10:30pm my boyfriend reassured me everything was going to be ok so I gave up on waiting for a kick and fell asleep. He usually turns off the tv not too long after I pass out, so I was surprised to find the tv on at 12am and him awake in the same position (hand on my belly) as 2 hours before. I didnt think much of it, turned off the tv and we both went to sleep. Fast-forward to this morning, baby started kicking so I text my s.o letting him know all was well. He text me back saying that he had his hand on my belly and finally felt him move at 12.. thats why he was still awake.. he wanted to feel him move around😍 I just had to share. 
Have you had any moments like this with your s.o & you just realize how amazing he is?