Venting about kids school

So a little backround. When we moved to our previous location, we chose the area for several reasons, our main reason being location to a year round highly ranked elementary school for our son. He was there K- half of 3rd grade. He loved that every 8 weeks or so, he would get a 3 week break. It worked perfectly for our family. When we decided to buy a house, we could not afford to stay in the area, so we moved about 30-45 minutes away. I chose the area based on affordability, how all the school levels ranked, and location to my husbands job. Not in the particular order. We knew it would be a huge change because our son would be in a traditional calendar school, starting mid-year and leaving all his friends he's known since kindergarten! What I did not realize though is how much I HATE traditional calendar schools! The teachers are telling him he gets to "turn off his brain" now that EOG testing is done. Umm, no. My kid is not going to stop learning just because it's summer break. He will be preparing for 4th grade instead of forgetting everything he has learned. It's bull shit that his teachers next year will have to spend at least a month re-teaching 3rd grade information when that time could be spent doing current grade lessons. I wish there was a year round school close by, he would be transferred. I almost regret moving here, especially because now we have another child on the way! With our boy, he would have been moved to traditional teach come middle school, which would have been fine because elementary to middle is a big change in itself. But now, this will be a repetitive situation once our second born goes to school. 
I hope they open a few year round schools around my area soon, like maybe before my boy starts 4th grade 😂 wishful thinking. But yeah that's my vent.