Full bed rest 😢 try to make this short..scared

So i was having alot of what i thought could be Braxton hicks this weekend along with pressure pain dizzy spells..so i decided to call my ob..went in right away she thought it could be due to being in my feet all day being a bartender and wanted to cut my hours but then she examined me and she said my cervix was very soft and said complete bed rest there is no chance of me working she said me being 26 weeks with several miscarriages and gestational diabetes im high risk and is afraid baby wont make it if she is born befor 32 weeks. . even then she wants to hold off long as possible. . sent me to get a u/s and my cervix is 1.9cm short i have a 12 and a 5 year old im not sure how im gonna do this...but my oldest has been great today taking care of his lil brother...any other moms with a short cervix have experience this...