Advice needed

So I have been in a relationship for six years. In the beginning it was great and amazing. Now it's been downhill from there. We both fight a lot now. I put him down a lot and say mean things I don't mean. I have thrown things at him but that's rare. He has said his fair share of mean things to me and behind my back and has hurt me. He does have anger issues and so do I. My mother does not like him. He is sick of my put downs and me being too critical of everything. He tells me to overlook the bad and just focus on the good but I always remember the bad. I know I do a lot wrong but he chooses to overlook my flaws b/c he says he loves me. I love him it's just we don't know how to love the right way.

Also I just make everyone unhappy. All I am is drama and a soap opera to people my mom said. All I do is cause problems and lie. I hurt a lot of people. And in my brain I rationalize thing differently. So what I think is right is actually wrong. I just think I'm a bad person who can't do things right. I mean I mess things up all the time and hurt people all the time. I have no social skills. I dislike myself. God would never want me in his Kingdom..

I need advice please