Kieran born June 1st at 6h33 pm

I went to the hospital (7h30pm may 31st) because I experienced a gush of liquid tinged with blood and when I sat on the toilet bowl it continued to drip blood. I went to triage and they noted that my contractions had started and I was 1-2cm dilated. They then sent me and my SO to walk around the hospital for 2 hours. As we walked the contractions got stronger and since I was to be admitted for induction the next morning anyways they admitted me to labor and delivery. Was in active labour from around 9h40pm on May 31st and took the epidural around 11h am the next day which was a life saver (I had a lot of back labor and hadn't progressed in about the last 2hours with contractions 2-4 minutes apart) the epidural was great relief and let me recover before the final stages of labor. My baby boy was born vaginally at 6h33pm on June 1st with only 25 minutes of pushing which In part is because I had to stop pushing until a doctor was present to deliver the baby.  For me pushing felt like the easiest part after so many hours of labour. So proud of our hard work!