Does this mean labor is on its way?

I'm 38wks 1day. Friday the doctor said my cervix moved to anterior position but I have not dilated, baby head is down.
Extreme nesting on Sunday. I rearranged baby furniture, rearranged laundry room, hung pictures on the wall. Went the extra mile to put everything in order, pack up & tidy.
Yesterday, I got home from work & got in bed to nap. Around 7 I started experiencing menstrual like cramps. These cramps then moved to my lower back. I felt Intense pressure in that area. It felt like I was going to have a BM, was constipated & had constant gas pain. My legs were aching on & off. I got up a few times to use the bathroom (pee) and the pain I felt in my lower back/butt rised up to the middle of my back. I began to time them because I've never felt this back pain/pressure. It was coming every 10 min. Then a little after 1 am, it stopped. I was able to go to sleep but before I was restless. Tossed & Turned. 
I'm a FTM, and was wondering could this mean labor is coming soon?