"Pink Tax"

Emily🍍 • Ok
So I'm at Walmart waiting for my car's oil changed to be done right now. And I'm in the beauty section cause that's my favorite, of course. And I just remembered that I saw this video that Buzzfeed posted a few weeks ago about this "pink tax." 
Basically, women pay more for the same products that men have. Shampoo, soap, razors, underwear, etc. Some of their examples were dumb, cause they were comparing Victoria's Secret underwear and Hanes 5-pack or whatever.
But anyway, I'm here and I see that a Gilette 18-pack of plain, 2 blade razors for women is $12.97. And then down the isle, the exact same product for men is $11.77. 
So anyway, what do y'all think about this? Do you think it's BS or are you okay with it, or what? We already have to pay for tampons and pads and stuff, because I'm sure most of us are not interested in "free-bleeding" lol.