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Companies have few laws that provide limitations on marketing to child? Especially in the food industry.

How do you feel about this? What do you think we can do to change it?

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I've taught my kids to recognize marketing tactics. They'll actually pick up on things sometimes and say "It's probably not even that great. They're just trying to make us buy it."


•K• • Jun 4, 2015
They've learned through actually buying things they've seen advertised as being super awesome, and then being disappointed when the product wasn't as great as they thought it would be. Then we'll talk about the tactics that company used to make them want to buy it (commercials, signs, ads, etc) and how misleading they were.


JessPJ • Jun 4, 2015
That is awesome. How do you do that?


Posted at
We don't watch tv because of advertising.


Posted at
I'm not sure what we can do about the companies, they have always found a way to get out of hot water one way or another. We as parents don't need to hand our kids everything they ask for though, or avoid educating them. There is room to learn every minute.


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I like to think I'm better at marketing (or explaining) to my child than anyone else. It's my responsibly to teach them EVERYTHING! 


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Did you just watch Fed Up??