Trying to give space but I'm feeling frustrated

My SO and I have been together for about 6 months... We got together right as his divorce was finalizing. 10 year relationship and she cheated. When I brough up him moving on so quick, he said her actions preceding divorce killed any feelings he had for her. Skip to now. Going to Florida with him to meet his dad's side. She found out. Got pissed. Told my SO that she point blank doesnt like me (won't even look at me or acknowledge me) and doesn't want me around their son alone. So, I'm dealing with all this and then my SO tells me since we are planning to go to Florida, we need to save money so he's only going to come to see me once a week. We live 45 mins apart.  The first 5 months of our relationship we talked on the phone literally 6 hrs a night, texted like crazy. He couldn't get enough of me. Now, he's saying he's forcing us to slow down. He's quit calling. Barely texts me. It's been two days and I've gotten 5 texts from him. My thing is: I know he has probably texted his ex wife and his ex sister in law. He talks to them daily bc of his son. Should I be upset that he hasn't been texting me? He says he knows where we stand and that he wants to slow down because he feels comfortable with me. He even gave me a promise ring... So why do I feel so upset and like he's leaving me hanging??