Worried. Please help.

Katherine • Pregnant with first baby with my hubby!!
I went to the hospital today because I thought there was fluid leaking. Thank god there wasn't. I'm 31 weeks. They did the test and everything to see. 
They also hooked me up to the baby heart rate monitor and said that the heart rate was dropping sporadically a little too much and that they wanted to do an U/S just to double check the fluids and that everything is okay. (I have had low amniotic fluid since week 20, low end of normal lowest was 9 and highest was 16) today my levels were at a 13. They said that the heart beat droppage was called "variable deceleration", and that it was normal within people that have low amniotic fluid, and that it usually only happens sometimes if the baby gets in a weird position. I have an appointment with my regular doctor tomorrow but I'm just worried. Cause obviously his cord is being compressed and that scares me no matter how normal they make it sound.  Has anybody else had this?