Danielle • Growing baby no. 1 currently 5 weeks!
And I am absolutely terrified. I have my OB appt tomorrow and my last appt with a midwife I was told I may have to be booked in for a ceaser cause I look too small? (I'm 4'1 1) and my belly looks huge? Okay....
So now I'm booked to see an OB and I am even more scared of what to expect at this appt. My sister just had a 26 hour labor after being induced which ended up and emergency c sect anyway. I don't want to have to go thru that. My mum had a ceaser with my sister and I so according to the MW I might have to have one too. I'm so upset and confused. 
Has anyone else had this experience? Or told straight off the bat they need a c sect?? I already don't want to be induced and I especially don't want to be induced and then told I need a c section 
Help :(