
I started miscarrying on May 27th (my sons 4th bday btw 😕) at 230am, passed most of my baby may28th and then had a D&C on May 29th to make sure everything was gone. May 29th and 30th I bled red blood but not too much. May 31st I didn't have any blood. June 1st I went jogging and then noticed some brown spotting kinda mixed with clear vaginal discharge (from what I can make of it) and same for June 2nd now today June 3rd (my 29th bday 😑) I went for a walk and came home to red bleeding again. 
So has this happened to anyone and did you call the dr..? I hate to be that crazy hypochondriac woman to call the gyne... 
Could this be a new period? I'm so confused. 
Any advice would be great. Thank you.Â