TWW after Miscarriage! Excited and Hopeful!

. • I'm 25 years old, married to the most handsome God fearing man, and pregnant with my Feb 2016 rainbow baby!
So, Mid March I found out I was pregnant with #1, but shortly after on April 2nd, I had a natural Mc and of course was devasted. My mc lasted exactly a 1 week and 6 weeks later my great AF came for a 6 day visit from April 14th-19th. Now before I found out I was preggo back in March, my hubs and I weren't initially trying for a baby, so of course we had a long talk during my AF about how we wanted to proceed! To my excitement, he was 100% in board and couldn't wait to start baby dancing 💃🚼💃! So from the day my period stopped to this day present we have been busy bees taking at least a day break in between lol. It's so weird, yet exciting to know we our on this journey to create a baby and I thank God in advance everyday bc one day that will happen. So currently we are in our tww and I'm anxious and calm at the same time (crazy right??). I'm praying for a Febuary baby, but if it doesn't happen, I have enough peace and trust in God to know He will bless my hubs and I in our season. So today according to glow , I'm 5 dpo..I already have breast tenderness, but I was thinking it might be a ovulation symptom so we had a baby dance party just in case💃🚼💃! If anyone will be testing June 7th to June 18th, I would love to be Tww buddies and keep you encourage and prayed up!! No matter the results ladies, let's stay encouraged!

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