Divorce papers... Long story

I have held on to divorce papers for Months since I moved out of my husbands house into my parents home. They want us to get a divorce in the worst way because he has been pretty terrible to me through out our relationship but I wanted to make it work- thru better and worse- we have had mostly worse but things at times seem to be getting better here and there. Then today I was picking on him asking him about this girl on face book who he shared a cute photo that she probably shared at some point and he then shared and I asked him why he was friends with a girl who's name is something about sexy grinding. 
He got so mad he hung up the phone on me and told me he wanted a divorce and he would pay for it because he was done! I was like seriously?! I was messing with him and doing that "sound serious but your just playing" thing- and he said I was jealous and insecure and that he thinks I cheat on him (NEVER HAVE)  and he thinks I am being jealous because I cheat on him and he basically doesn't want to be married anymore. 
He flies off the handle on me for everything- last weekend it was because my parents invited him to dinner and I thought we should go- even after I dropped it he treated me like a criminal for just bringing it up.  
I stuck by his side through his unemployment, depression, drug abuse and him generally just being a jerk- but now he wants to divorce me because he says I am annoying and jealous and he can't take it anymore.
Should I even try anymore? I know in a few days he will apologize and/or wait for me to break down and apologize profusely!! Then things could be ok kinda but I feel like I am dying on the inside and he is just manipulating me to act a certain way- any time I take a mis-step he punishes me and I feel so worthless. 
He also told me he will never love me as much as I have proven I love him. I just don't know what the hell to do anymore. Life feels empty and I always seem to do the wrong things. 